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Changed the banners on the buttons page to be in a grid, but I think I'm gonna remove that page soon an incorporate the buttons and maybe some of the banners into the site somewhere else. That page was supposed to be somewhere to put cool buttons and banners that I found, but I ended up not putting any new ones up since it's creation. It'll probably be a while before I remove it though because I'm working on another project, and I've just started college, so I don't have quite as much time as I used to.


-finally fixed nav bar sizing, honestly cba before.
-created a new background for the writing page using p5js.
-fixed nav bar gifs on writing page rotating clockwise, changed to counter-clockwise, how they should be.
-slight tweaks made to about me page background. I was gonna remake the whole thing in p5js, but honestly, it's not laggy or anything right now, and I'm dogshit at p5, so I'll just leave it how it is for now. I ended up just tweaking the line opacity and the orientation of the cubes.

I also need to reorganize everything on my end, my css file is a fucking mess, and my file structure could use some work, but I'm not doing that rn.


The old buttons page background was not what I wanted it to be, with the main limiting factor being that I was using DOM elements like a buffoon. Obviously using a fuck ton of DOM elements caused a lot of lag when I made it any more complicated than it was, so I used p5.js to put the Matrix effect onto a canvas instead. That allowed me to make it more like what I wanted it to be, it is still a little laggy though. I didn't know shit about p5, so I followed one of coding train's tutorials on the Matrix Rain effect, which can be found here.


As of 10/4/23, I've finished chemotherapy treatment.


I'm working on the about me page's cubes. My original goal was to have the cube made of random characters, but I've run into a lag issue on monitors with a resolution higher than 1920x1080.


I wanted to give the gallery page a theme, so I threw something together quick. I'm for sure gonna change this is the near future because I hate how it looks now.


I wrote a script to make a Matrix type of background for the buttons page. I know I've already pretty much used that theme on the about me page, but I don't care. I'm working on the gallery page more; I still need to decide what theme it's gonna have.


I've added a gallery page since I plan on making more "art". With that, I've also had to make a nav image for it on the home page, and the links page, which means I had to slightly restructure the nav bar spacing. There's also a new Lain image that I made last night on the index page.


I decided to take a break over the last couple of months, due to not feeling good with my blood counts being low, and being in and out of the hospital a few times. I'm back now though, and hopefully that was the last time I'll have to take a break because of medical issues. I'm gonna continue to work on glitch art and datamoshing, but I'm also working on a maze game just to challenge myself a little more in the programming space, as I'm still not that good with javascript.


A sizing issue on the links page was brought to my attention by Fishbyte, which I think I've now fixed. I was doing height sizings with vw instead of vh, which meant content was sometimes overflowing out of the bottom of the container. This is still an issue if you resize your screen to some wack ass tiny sizes, but if you're doing all that, then you're asking for trouble. I also fixed a sizing issue with the nav bar letters on that page, which were using absolute font sizes instead of relative for some reason. I should probably go through all my HTML one of these days and make sure I'm using the appropriate vw/vh where relative.


Continued to add to the Links page theme. I also fixed a long standing bug with the enter gif on the index page where every frame containing the T lighting up had some floating light above it. Thinking about it, I really should just convert all those neon effects to Javascript and CSS effects, but I think I'll save that for when I run out of things to do. Also, happy 2 years of having this site. I haven't had much time to work on it over the years due to my health issues, but hopefully I'll get some good progress done in this year. The actual date of creation was 3/26, which I was working on the site that day, but didn't feel the need to add an update log. Anyways, over the coming days, I plan to work on these themes more, both improving the current ones and adding more. I should also probably fix the g in this font too, it's getting on my nerves a little. ( Ignore that last part, I just fixed the font)


Continued to revamp the Links page, I need a break from it for a little, because that page hurts my eyes, but I'm not finished with it yet. I still plan to make some graphics for it.


Added some "hacker" squares to the about me page. I accidentally found this video while I was on my phone the other night. I figured it fit the page theme pretty well. I'm actually surprised that I didn't think of making this effect before considering how similar it is to making my neon effects. I've also strated to revamp the rest of the hacker movie theme page, as well as the cutesy page.


I remade the Links page because the other cutesy girl theme I had going was just not good. It's supposed to be a parody of all of those cutesy sites you see with the same boilerplate template over and over again, but of course, I had to put my own slight spin on it (even if that spin is also overused by everyone on Neocities). I created a cbox account and put it on the home page, go leave me something to read. Changed the font a bit so some of the harder characters to read are a bit easier. Let me know in my comments box if there's any other ones that are hard to read. I edited one of my old favicons as well to match the site colors a little better, and set that as the new favicon because I didn't like the previous one's gif animation.


I decided that it was time I made a site button for my site. It's not what as good as I wanted it to be, so expect to see it change in the future. You can see it on my home page.


I created a theme for the about me page, but I'm not adding anymore gifs to the nav bar because Idk what to put for that shit. I also created a new theme for the links page. I'm still working on the nav bar for it, but the background is done. Just don't pay attention to the fact that that color text on the background is horrible to read.


I created a nav bar for the writings page, it took me a good hour or two because I had to create the navigation gifs.


I wrote some shit and created a new space background image for most of the pages. Right now, it's on all of the pages that don't have a background image, but eventually it will just be for the writings page.


Wrote some more shit about my time in the hospital.


I wrote some shit about Fauux's site, which you can find over on my writing page.


Lmao, you probably thought I was dead, to be fair I came kind of close. However, it wasn't really because of the cancer, but rather because of the constipation that the chemo caused paired with the appetite that the steroids gave me. For some reason, my intestines didn't like being stuffed full and decided to burst. I don't remember much from the night that they rushed me to surgery or the next couple of weeks after that, but after 120 days in the hospital, I'm finally home now. I'll write more about that whole experience on my pointless writing page.


I'm back, and this time I have cancer. I wrote a little about that on the writing page, but since I'm gonna be stuck in a hospital bed for roughly a month, I figured I'd work on the site a little bit. (also, let's be honest, I probably had cancer for my last post too, but I didn't know it because I wasn't having the shitty side effects that I do now.)


For now, I'm taking a break from working on the site. I plan to come back to this in the future, but for now, I need to really focus on learning Javascript and improving my HTML.

