Who the fuck is Mosh?

Wow, you're just gonna come up into my site and then use that kind of language? Ok, dog. If you wanna tell me how shit my site is, dm me on discord @mosh4504

What is this site?

This is my hole in the internet, it's not meant to be anything in particular, just a place for me to waste time. Though I try to make each of my pages into different themes, usually based on popular neocities themes.

What do you plan on doing with your life, Mosh?

For now, I plan on furthering my web development knowledge and finding work as a front‐end web developer. It's not really what I want to do with my life, but I know that I'll most likely never achieve my goals. Instead, I'll probably work as a web dev for some shitty company for the rest of my life, regretting that I didn't make plans sooner.

Whatcha working on?

Right now I don't have much to show in the ways of projects, but once I do, I'll be sure to put them down here. ( No I won't ;^) )