mosh's favorite links

artistic design tools and resources

  • GIMP - If you somehow haven't heard of GIMP, it's a free alternative to Photoshop.
  • G'MIC - Great plug-in for GIMP, has over 500 filters/effects, really a must have for working with GIMP.
  • Inkscape - Inkscape is a free vector image editor/painting program. Pretty much Illustrator, but free.
  • Audacity - Audacity is meant to be a free audio editor, but it can also be very useful when creating glitch art.
  • Datamoshing - A website with a few helpful articles on datamoshing and glitch art.

web development resources

cool art

  • Motivational Video Movie - A satirical take on motivational speeches and videos by Vewn.
  • Pizza Movie - A satirical piece that mocks those "now hiring" commercials by Vewn.
  • Kaspar Ravel - A very talented datamosher.
  • Cruel_Coppinger - Creates a lot of glitch art, typically scenery-based pictures with a lot of deep colors in them.

interesting websites

  • Cyber Witch - The site is still being worked on, but I find the anti-aging related parts of the site fairly interesting.
  • Fishbyte's site - A good friend of mine's website.
  • Tiny universes ‐ I found a lot of the stuff on this site interesting, and I'm a fan of the desiderata poem.